If you’re a newly expectant mum and the infamous pregnancy fatigue has already started to set in, you’re probably eager to cosy up on the sofa and learn all about everything you are experiencing. For some expectant mums, this can be a daunting time, full of questions. We’re here to offer you some helpful advice on what to expect in the first trimester of your pregnancy.
You May Not Gain a Lot of Weight
As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, you may quickly envision yourself with a burgeoning round bump. In reality, you’ll likely only gain a couple of pounds during the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy. Morning sickness is mainly to blame for this as it will be hard to keep your calorie intake up when you’re having trouble keeping food down.
Your Due Date May Be Wrong
Figuring out your due date often requires a little bit of maths magic, which doctors can sometimes get wrong! Even if you’re completely sure of the day you conceived, adding 40 weeks to this won’t create your due date. Instead, you will need to add 40 weeks to the day of your last period. However, keep in mind that your baby will most likely arrive in their own time.
Some Foods Are Off the Menu
It’s pretty safe to assume that you already know to avoid alcohol throughout your pregnancy, but there are some foods that become off-limits as well. Unpasteurised dairy products can contain unfriendly-pregnancy bacteria like Listeria. Foods that can contain these bacteria include soft cheese like goat’s cheese, feta and brie. You’re probably better off avoiding all foods with the word ‘raw’.
Super Sense of Smell
In your first trimester, many expectant mums will begin to notice changes in their sense of smell. Some mums-to-be may not be able to enjoy their favourite foods because the smell becomes so off-putting. A typical smell that becomes difficult to stomach is coffee.
Your Morning Sickness Will Pass
If morning sickness is seriously making you miserable, don’t fret! There is a light at the end of the toilet. Once you hit your second-trimester mark, you may begin to feel less nauseous. Any aversions to your favourite foods also tend to disappear when you enter your second trimester as well.
It’s important for expectant mums to remember that no pregnancy is the same. If you’re still feeling a little overwhelmed with your pregnancy and new life as a mum don’t hesitate to get in touch. Here at Birkenshaw Midwifery Clinic, we offer a wide range of workshops tailor-made to prepare you for what to expect when you’re expecting.